Saturday, 12 March 2011

Lemon Curd

At this time of year a sunny day can really lull you into a false sense of security and this week we have had some beautiful bright days. However the weekend is here and the sun is nowhere to be seen. With this in mind, and a little boy home sick, I decided we needed some sunshine in a jar.
Brilliant to make at any time of the year to get that real hit of summer. Curds are a lot easier to make than you think and although they don’t keep long you get the full fruit flavour. I love this sweet but tart curd with croissants or in pastry cases topped with meringue. Subtle it is not but great sandwiched between two slabs of Victoria sponge.

5 lemons
450g sugar
125g butter
200ml beaten egg

First zest three of the lemons using a fine grater. Then microwave all of the lemons for 30 seconds and rub them under the palm of your hand against your work surface for another 30 seconds. This will increase the amount of juice significantly. Put the lemon zest and strained juice (you should get approximately 200ml), sugar and butter, cut into cubes, into a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, making sure that the bottom of the basin doesn't touch the water. Stir with a wooden spoon until the butter has melted.
Mix the eggs lightly with a fork and pour through a sieve into the pan. Let the curd cook, stirring regularly with a balloon whisk, for about 15 minutes, until it is thick. It should feel heavy on the whisk.
Place in sterile jars and seal immediately. Store in the refrigerator. Consume within one month.

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